Effective Date: 18 August, 2024

Welcome to Fact Magazine  (“we,” “our,” “us”). By accessing or using the website http://factmagzine.com you agree to comply with the terms set out in these Terms of Service. Such Terms are not likely of concern to you and therefore do not be in a hurry to read these when you are going to use the Site. If you do not accept the Conditions or any part of them refrain from using the Site.

Terms of use acceptance

Accessing or using the Site constitutes your acceptance of the Terms and the Privacy Policy of the Site. These Terms are binding upon each visitor, user, and others regardless of whether they access and use the Site or not.

Use of the Site

a. Eligibility

Registration on the Site is available only to persons who are thirteen years of age or older. When using such a Site you confirm the requirement of the Site concerning the age of the Users.

b. User Conduct

  • You undertake the responsibility of using the Site for legal and legal-related activities and in a manner that does not breach the enjoyment and use of the Site by anyone else. In particular, you agree not to have content that is illegal, invasive, plots, threatening, profane, defamatory and otherwise objectionable shall not be posted or transmitted.
  • Employ the Site for fraudulent misrepresentation of other individuals or organizations swindling or misdirecting a user as to the true nature of their associations or Kaufman relations with some entity.
  • Spend some time trying to log into the Site, not only other users’ profiles and even any computers or networks that may be affiliated with the Site.
  • Act in any manner that is likely to damage or interfere with any feature of the Site or the sites and the networks that back that site.


a. User-Generated Content:

In the event that a User submits or posts any materials on the Site such as comments, articles, or any other User-generated content, such Users explicitly grant the Site or assign non-exclusive royalty-free perpetual irrevocable fully sub-licensable rights to be used, reproduced, modified, adapted, published, translated, distributed and/or displayed all of the above in any medium throughout all countries.

b. Content Ownership:

All materials and information available on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, images, and software, belong to [factmagzine] or its content providers and are subject to copyright and other property rights. Such materials will not be reproduced, distributed or any derivative work will not be made upon any content found on the Site, for whatever reason without undertaking prior written approval from us.


a. No Warranties:

The Site is provided “as is” and “as available”. We do not provide any expressed or implied guarantees or representations on the website or the information, content and materials of the Site in terms of the accuracy, how reliable or useful or how available it is. The use of the Site is at every user’s discretion.

b. Limitation of Liability:

In no event shall [Your Blog Name] or its Partners and or their officers, director, employee and or agents be held liable to clients, direct, incidental, indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever resulting from the Site whether on any theory of liability contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, which even if we have been told that such damages were a possibility, shall not be paid anyways.

Links to Third-Party Sites

The Site includes a number of links to Third Party Sites whether or not such sites are owned or controlled by [Fact Magzine]. Even so, neither [Fact Magzine] does, nor is willing to, control and bear any responsibility for the content, policies, or practices of such third-party websites. By this Site you use, you relieve us from any liabilities that arise from your use of any third-party websites.

Modification of Terms

These Terms may be modified or replaced at any time. Any alterations will be included on this webpage with the date being updated in accordance with changes made. These Terms after these changes will be acceptable to the User as they continue to use the Site.

Termination Policy

Your access to the Site may be suspended upon their signature by you without any prior notice or liability for any reason Utility including these Terms. These Terms include termination of your right of access to the Site.

Get In Touch

In line with these Terms you may have questions please contact us: factmagzine@gmail.com.